(function (context) { var $ = context.jQuery; var __ = context.wp.i18n.__; function CtnBlkStoreMessage(uiContainer, options, props) { this.uiContainer = uiContainer; if (this.checkCtnApiProxyAvailable(this.uiContainer)) { this.showSpinner = props.showSpinner; this.spinnerColor = props.spinnerColor; this.options = options; this.successMsgTemplate = props.successMsgTemplate; this.successPanelId = props.successPanelId; this.errorPanelId = props.errorPanelId; this.form = undefined; this.divMessagePanel = undefined; this.divDisabledPanel = undefined; this.divMsgSuccess = undefined; this.divMsgError = undefined; this.txtSuccess = undefined; this.txtError = undefined; this.messageKeyDownHandler = onMessageKeyDown.bind(this); this.messageKeyUpHandler = onMessageKeyUp.bind(this); this.messageChangeHandler = onMessageChange.bind(this); this.lastMessageValue = undefined; this.setUpMessagePanel(); this.setResultPanels(); } } CtnBlkStoreMessage.prototype.checkCtnApiProxyAvailable = function (uiContainer) { var result = true; if (typeof context.ctnApiProxy !== 'object') { var elems = $('div.noctnapiproxy', uiContainer.parentElement); if (elems.length > 0) { var noCtnApiProxy = elems[0]; noCtnApiProxy.style.display = 'block'; } uiContainer.style.display = 'none'; result = false; } return result; }; CtnBlkStoreMessage.prototype.setUpMessagePanel = function () { this.uiContainer.style.display = 'block'; var elems = $('form', this.uiContainer); if (elems.length > 0) { this.form = elems[0]; this.divMessagePanel = this.form.message.parentElement; elems = $('div.disabledPanel', this.divMessagePanel); if (elems.length > 0) { this.divDisabledPanel = elems[0]; } } } CtnBlkStoreMessage.prototype.displaySpinner = function () { if (!this.spinner) { this.spinner = new context.Spin.Spinner({ className: 'msg-spinner', color: this.spinnerColor }); } this.spinner.spin(this.divMessagePanel); }; CtnBlkStoreMessage.prototype.hideSpinner = function () { if (this.spinner) { this.spinner.stop(); } }; CtnBlkStoreMessage.prototype.setResultPanels = function () { if (this.successPanelId) { // Try to load external success panel control var elems = $('#' + this.successPanelId); if (elems.length > 0) { this.txtSuccess = elems[0]; } } if (this.errorPanelId) { // Try to load external error panel control elems = $('#' + this.errorPanelId); if (elems.length > 0) { this.txtError = elems[0]; } } // Load default panels as necessary this.setDefaultResultPanels(); }; CtnBlkStoreMessage.prototype.setDefaultResultPanels = function () { if (!this.txtSuccess) { var elems = $('div.success', this.uiContainer); if (elems.length > 0) { this.divMsgSuccess = elems[0]; elems = $('p.success', this.divMsgSuccess); if (elems.length > 0) { this.txtSuccess = elems[0]; } } } if (!this.txtError) { elems = $('div.error', this.uiContainer); if (elems.length > 0) { this.divMsgError = elems[0]; elems = $('p.error', this.divMsgError); if (elems.length > 0) { this.txtError = elems[0]; } } } }; CtnBlkStoreMessage.prototype.disableMessagePanel = function () { $(this.divMessagePanel).addClass('disabled'); this.form.message.disabled = true; this.divDisabledPanel.style.display = 'block'; }; CtnBlkStoreMessage.prototype.enableMessagePanel = function () { $(this.divMessagePanel).removeClass('disabled'); this.form.message.disabled = false; this.divDisabledPanel.style.display = 'none'; }; CtnBlkStoreMessage.prototype.disableSubmitButton = function () { this.form.submitButton.disabled = true; } CtnBlkStoreMessage.prototype.enableSubmitButton = function () { this.form.submitButton.disabled = false; } CtnBlkStoreMessage.prototype.storeMessage = function () { this.clearResultPanels(); this.disableMessagePanel(); this.disableSubmitButton(); if (this.showSpinner) { this.displaySpinner(); } var msg = this.form.message.value; if (msg.length === 0) { // No message to log. Report error this.displayError(__('No message to be stored', 'catenis-blocks')); return; } var _self = this; context.ctnApiProxy.logMessage(msg, this.options, function(error, result) { if (error) { _self.displayError(error.toString()); } else { if (_self.successMsgTemplate) { _self.displaySuccess(_self.successMsgTemplate.replace(/{!messageId}/g, result.messageId)); } _self.messageStored(); } }); }; CtnBlkStoreMessage.prototype.startMonitoringMessageChange = function () { this.form.message.addEventListener('keydown', this.messageKeyDownHandler); this.form.message.addEventListener('keyup', this.messageKeyUpHandler); this.form.message.addEventListener('change', this.messageChangeHandler); }; CtnBlkStoreMessage.prototype.stopMonitoringMessageChange = function () { this.form.message.removeEventListener('keydown', this.messageKeyDownHandler); this.form.message.removeEventListener('keyup', this.messageKeyUpHandler); this.form.message.removeEventListener('change', this.messageChangeHandler); }; CtnBlkStoreMessage.prototype.messageChanged = function () { this.enableSubmitButton(); }; CtnBlkStoreMessage.prototype.messageStored = function () { this.startMonitoringMessageChange(); }; CtnBlkStoreMessage.prototype.displaySuccess = function (text) { this.enableMessagePanel(); if (this.showSpinner) { this.hideSpinner(); } if (this.txtSuccess) { $(this.txtSuccess).html(convertLineBreak(text)); if (this.divMsgSuccess) { this.divMsgSuccess.style.display = 'block'; } } }; CtnBlkStoreMessage.prototype.hideSuccess = function () { if (this.txtSuccess) { $(this.txtSuccess).html(''); if (this.divMsgSuccess) { this.divMsgSuccess.style.display = 'none'; } } }; CtnBlkStoreMessage.prototype.displayError = function (text) { this.enableMessagePanel(); this.enableSubmitButton(); if (this.showSpinner) { this.hideSpinner(); } if (this.txtError) { $(this.txtError).html(convertLineBreak(text)); if (this.divMsgError) { this.divMsgError.style.display = 'block'; } } }; CtnBlkStoreMessage.prototype.hideError = function () { if (this.txtError) { $(this.txtError).html(''); if (this.divMsgError) { this.divMsgError.style.display = 'none'; } } }; CtnBlkStoreMessage.prototype.clearResultPanels = function () { this.hideSuccess(); this.hideError(); }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function onMessageKeyDown(event) { this.lastMessageValue = this.form.message.value; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function onMessageKeyUp(event) { var currentMessageValue = this.form.message.value; if (currentMessageValue !== this.lastMessageValue) { this.stopMonitoringMessageChange(); this.messageChanged(); } } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function onMessageChange(event) { this.messageStored(); } function convertLineBreak(text) { return text.replace(/\n/g, '
'); } context.CtnBlkStoreMessage = CtnBlkStoreMessage; })(this);